Hi I’m Nina…a mama of 2 children…a certified Conscious Parent Coach, a Social Worker (BSW) & a Meditation Teacher.
In my Private Coaching Practice I support parents to become aware of the generational patterns that are playing out in their everyday life, that could be contributing to increased stress, anxiety. overwhelm & a feeling of disconnection. I support parents to gain a new sense of awareness through knowledge and understanding of their own narrative so that they can create a new Blueprint for themselves & their family.
I am passionate about supporting parents to do their own ‘Inner Work’ so that they can experience more freedom & joy in their life. When a parents’ inner world shifts the whole family shifts in such an incredible way. When a parent does ‘the work’ the parent child dynamic can also change & foster a relationship of more love, harmony & connection.
My approach to coaching includes trauma-informed care that provides a safe space for all clients to facilitate their individual healing & growth.
I specialise in a number of areas- Prenatal & Postnatal, Single Parenting, Parenting your Highly Sensitive Child, Autism/ADHD/Biochemical Imbalances, Parenting your Strong Willed Child, How to Transform Resistance…How to Move from Chaos to Calm, Moving From Survival To Thrival, How to hold Loving Boundaries, Re-Parenting your Inner Child, Parenting through Separation & Divorce, How to Consciously Co-Parent.
I also teach Meditation & Mindfulness practices & run Parenting Workshops (online & in person) & Speaking engagements/events. My mission is to support parents to shift archaic parental paradigms…so that our children can stay in their true authentic self & everyone can THRIVE.
I offer a FREE 30mins consultation to see how I can best support you on your parenting Journey!
Book in here For your first FREE session. I can’t wait to connect with you & see how I can support you on your journey!